Meet the Humans

Sarah Richards


Sarah grew up in Pennsylvania and always dreamed of running dogs in Alaska. She started out with a team of border collies as a teenager, and moved to Alaska in 2008. She started Deja Vu Sled Dogs in 2017, when she began working for ACHILL, a youth dog mushing program. Beyond running dogs recreationally, she also races mid distance and sprint.

Keane Richards


Keane grew up on a homestead in eastern Alaska on the Kandik River. His family kept a team of freight dogs to help haul wood, run the trapline, and as their main mode of winter transportation. Now, he is an avid ski mountaineer and adventure athlete, having participated in races such as the Alaska Mountain Wilderness Ski Classic and the White Mountains 100.

Amelia Richards

Junior Musher

Amelia is 13 years old and has been running and racing dogs since she was seven. She loves all animals, especially guinea pigs and chickens.

Rosalie Richards

Junior Musher

Rosalie is 11 years old and has been running and racing dogs since she was in kindergarten. She loves riding on the runners and going super fast.

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